Uniq Smokes
Phoenix Star 14 inches Freezable Glycerin Coil - 7mm Thick Glass Smoking Water Pipe
Phoenix Star 14 inches Freezable Glycerin Coil - 7mm Thick Glass Smoking Water Pipe
If you are looking for a glass bong that delivers smooth and frosty hits, look no further than this amazing product! This bong is made of high-quality borosilicate glass, which is durable, heat-resistant and easy to clean. The bong consists of two parts: a round base with a 14.4mm joint and a glycerin coil top part that can be detached and frozen. The glycerin coil acts as a natural percolator, cooling down the smoke and filtering out unwanted toxins. The bong also comes with a glycerin filled Downstem and bowl, which add extra chill to your smoking experience. This bong is perfect for anyone who loves cold and smooth hits, and it is suitable for any occasion. Whether you want to relax at home, have fun with friends or impress your guests, this bong will not disappoint you. Order yours today and enjoy the coolest hits ever!
Freezable coil
both of the Downstem and the bowl are with glycerin.